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Vui Kong's Letters, Yong Vui Kong

Letters from Vui Kong – The First Letter: Prison Life

Yong Vui Kong is a death row inmate in Singapore. He was arrested at age 19 with 47.27g of heroin, convicted of trafficking and sentenced under the Mandatory Death Penalty. His final appeal was dismissed by the Court of Appeal on 4 April 2011. He can now only plead for clemency from the President (acting on the advice of the Cabinet).

If the President does not grant clemency to Vui Kong, these will be the last 12 letters he will ever write.

The following is the first:



很谢谢你的信,也很谢谢大家给我一个平台,借助大家的力量说出我心中的故事,今天是 第一封的回信,也希望透过这里让大家知道我在监狱里的日子是个怎样的生活。

首先,我想介绍自己。我叫杨伟光,2011年初我在监狱里庆祝我的23岁生日,今年的庆生 我不孤单,有很多朋友也在监狱外替我庆祝。

为什么我会在监狱里?因为我帮了一个人,把毒品运进新加坡这个法治国。在我19岁的时 候就已经被捉进监牢,至今都已好几年了。我是个死囚,本来应该很早就已经离开人世。但很多人都在帮助我,以至我可以活到现在,如果没有大家,我想我早就已经离开这世界了。

我妈妈不知道我被判死刑,我告诉她我会到很远的地方去修行,要她别担心我。。。 她相信了。







直到死的那一天,我要好好利用我的生命 –– 劝导更多人不要选择毒品。











English translation:

The First Letter: Prison Life

Dear Yetian,

Thank you for your letter, and thank you for giving me a platform and the strength to tell my story. This is my first letter. I hope to let everyone know what my life is like in prison.

First, let me introduce myself. My name is Yong Vui Kong. In early 2011, I celebrated my 23rd birthday in prison. I wasn’t alone during my birthday. Lots of friends on the outside were also celebrating with me.

Why am I in jail? It’s because I helped traffic drugs into Singapore. I was caught when I was 19. It’s been a few years now. I am a death row inmate, and by right, I should have been dead long ago. But a lot of people have been helping me, and that’s why I’m still alive today. If it wasn’t for all these people, I think I’d have left this world long ago.

My mother doesn’t know I’ve been sentenced to death. I’ve told her I’ll be going to a far away place to seek enlightenment. I told her not to worry about me. She believed me.

Let me now tell you about my life inside here.

I get up at around 4 every morning. I don’t have an alarm clock because I don’t need one. I’ve gotten used to this routine, and it’s not changed these past few years. Even the prison wardens know I am an early riser. They see me getting up each morning via the CCTV inside my cell.

After washing up and brushing my teeth, I’ll spend time studying the scriptures until 7am. After that, I’ll meditate quietly until 9. Some people might think I’m just trying to kill time, but in my heart, I believe it’s better to make full use of my time than to just let it slip away.

At 9, I have breakfast. I don’t eat the same things as the rest of the inmates. Even the wardens know this and will only deliver vegetarian meals to me. Vegetarianism has become a habit for me. The benefits of vegetarianism are something you have to experience yourself. I can tell you it’s a good thing, but you might not believe me. I encourage everyone to give vegetarianism a try.

In the past, when I knew I was going to die soon, I couldn’t stop crying because I was scared. But the Buddhist priest who visits me every week has taught me not to fear death.

Earlier this year, a friend inside left us. Before he left, I chanted for him. He left peacefully.

Until I die, I’ll use my time wisely to counsel people and tell them not to choose drugs.

Over the past few years, my relationship with my older brother, Yun Leong, has improved a great deal. We used to fight over all kinds of things. But now, our relationship is much improved. If not for his help, you wouldn’t be reading this letter now. I am really grateful to him. He visits me every Monday. We chit chat and he listens to me talk about Buddhism.

How many more Mondays will we have?

In the past, my rebelliousness made my brothers very unhappy. Now that I’m a changed person, my brothers feel much better. I think that’s the least I can do.

Actually, I’m doing very well in prison. The wardens show me a lot of respect. Whenever my brother visits, they’d unshackle me and we’d bow to each other. My brother tells me they hold me in high regard. I am humbled to know that.

In my spare time, I study the scriptures. I’m afraid I won’t have enough time to learn everything. I don’t even think there are enough hours in a day for me to study. A lot of people think that it must be tortuous for me to spend an extended time in prison, but I feel good because I can make full use of the time to learn. I feel very fulfilled.

I like to chant. But because of the strict rules inside prison, I can’t use normal meditation beads. That’s because they’re afraid I’ll sharpen the crystal beads and use them to kill myself. My priest is very thoughtful. He used flour to make little beads, strung them up and gave them to me. I use them when I chant.

Suicide? I’ve never thought of it. Life is to be cherished, not squandered.

Yetian, thank you. I’ll stop here today. Amitaba.

Vui Kong
16 April 2011

A banner for Vui Kong on his 23rd birthday.


8 thoughts on “Letters from Vui Kong – The First Letter: Prison Life

  1. My sympathies are with Vui Kong and those who are trying very hard to save him from being hanged. But the reality is there’s very little chance our courts or our President will revoke his death sentence. Vui Kong might not be saved but if you keep pushing for the removal of the mandatory death penalty, it’s highly likely the next young person caught trafficking in drugs might not be given the death sentence.

    For change to come about, first you have to sway public perception. The courts and our government will not effect change if the public does not want it. So I would suggest you do this – don’t hold up placards or signs with the words “save Vui Kong”. Because the man in the street will interpret these words as such – “save Vui Kong? You mean release him?”.

    You must understand the man in the street is not a clever person. He does not care or think about things that do not affect him directly. If you want him to stop and think about Vui Kong’s fate, your sign should say “Jail Vui Kong”. This would cause people to stop and think for a while. And the message you want to get through to him is this – “yes, jail Vui Kong. Don’t hang him”. By the same token, it’s also not a good idea to use words like “second chances”. Because the average guy is going to think that you are fighting for his release and not his life.

    Posted by Loh | April 20, 2011, 7:06 pm
    • You do bring up a good point, and it is true that we often come up against many people who are under the mistaken impression that we are campaigning for acquittal.

      Thank you for your suggestions! We have taken them on board and will be thinking of ways to use them to aid our future efforts.

      Posted by Second Chances | April 24, 2011, 2:21 am
  2. What an intelligent and sincere young man. And what a utterly senseless and cruel waste of a life that would that. Hope that doesn’t come to pass.

    Thank you for sharing the letter Kirsten. Wish the Cabinet would read it as well.

    Posted by bookjunkie | April 22, 2011, 1:41 am
  3. Thank you for sharing a touching letter by Vui Kong.

    Posted by whatsaysyou | April 24, 2011, 1:58 pm
  4. Hi,

    I like to state upfront that I do not agree with your position to release Vui Kong from the death penalty.

    He knows the consequences of trafficking drugs to Singapore and it is not a one-off incident. What message are we sending out if we release people from capital punishment after they “repent” ?

    With all the accounts of him repenting, i find it strange that it is only after he is caught that he starts to regret his action.

    Posted by Sean Lit | May 3, 2011, 9:45 am
    • Hi Sean,

      What makes you say that Vui Kong knew the consequences of trafficking drugs in to Singapore? Or are you actually saying that YOU know the consequences of trafficking drugs in to Singapore? These are two very different things.

      The indications show that Vui Kong did not know the consequences. He was uneducated and illiterate at the time of arrest, his only source of information the gangsters who wanted to use him as a mule. These gangsters told him that trafficking drugs would not get him the death penalty, that it was no real big deal.

      How, then, do you think he knew about the mandatory death penalty? I believe that it is important for us to try to understand the inidividual’s circumstances, and not rush to judge them on our own terms, because we have had very different experiences.

      If he was not aware of the seriousness of being involved with drugs until after his arrest, when, then, would you expect him to repent?

      Also, we need to remember that a life is precious, and should not be easily thrown away. What would Vui Kong’s death actually achieve?

      Please do not rush to judge and condemn a person to death. Please remember that Vui Kong, too, is a human being like you and I.

      – kirsten

      Posted by Second Chances | May 4, 2011, 5:33 pm


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